There was a time when we lived our lives peacefully, surrounded by terrorists, freevax, chemtrails and Justin Bieber’s songs. Then Game of Thrones came, and the lives of many changed dramatically. Suddenly Westeros and the Land collided and created a border place dominated by dragons, undeads with blue eyes, bleached queens and naked women with fire inside. It’s impossible not to remain charmed by that.
But the time will come when all of this will stop and that time appears to be February 2019. Above all, starting from today, with the end of this stunning season, many of us will have to face an endless wakefulness that will last more or less one year and a half. We’ll feel lost, confused, we’ll live again in a world where huge walls, murderers and political intrigues don’t exist. A world where religion doesn’t control the weak minds and powerful people don’t crush the weakest.
It will be hard, we will all have to get ready at best, avoiding attitudes that could be ambiguous for the common people. Don’t walk around the streets with big steel Valiria broadswords, don’t brag about noble titles you don’t have, don’t try to reanimate the deaths, don’t try incest and drink responsibly. Don’t do anything you’ll see below. Because Game of Thrones is way more than a simple tv show.