I still haven’t figured out the reason why I’ve thrown myself into this project. I wanted to challenge myself in something which was beyond the immediacy. I wanted to sum up my thirty years of life with something that has been a constant presence: the music.

You won’t understand and I don’t regret that. No one but me can understand. With the exception of those few people who can comprehend certain images and I hope these will reach them with strength. This project is about slides, slides of moments enclosed in notes, slides of crystallized thoughts in albums, of lost or found companions, of love, sufferance, happiness, nonsense.

Nonetheless, there’s always color, there’s always life and calm. This is a job that pushed me a little further, towards what, I don’t know. I hope you’ll like them, I will write again about this later on.

Banana Pancakes, a yellow cat sleeping next to a window, while a quiet rain is pouring down on the glass.
Dedicated to you, a door shaped like a woman who is shaped like a heart is the entrance to something unknown on a wall full of hearts.
Fleurs, a laptop is bursting in icons and colors forming a creative rainbow.
Fly me to the Moon, just like a dream, in a  dark night a man is carrying a woman to the moon.
Harder Better Faster Stronger, colorful beams on a cream background work as pedestals for two robotic masks.
The best years of our life, a claret Fiat Ulisse in the centre of the poster on a teal background.
The boy from the Via Gluck, Batman and Robin wearing their costumes from the cult tv series from the 80's are frontally looking at the person who is staring at the poster.
I've been everywhere, a hilly area crossed by a street surrounded by cypresses, all of it fades on the horizon.
The animal, an abstract illustration is mirrored vertically in the centre of the poster, three strong chromatic contrasts.
La vie en Rose, many gray dancers are ready in their positions while in the centre one claret-dressed dancer is peacefully dancing.
Last Request, a white rose is surrounded by a heart with thorns, a girl is sitting on top of it with her back turned.
Letter to G, the streets crossing each other are forming a big G inside of which a boy is sitting.
Little Black Submarine, two men on the horizon, on the ground their shadows lenghten and reach us.
Lucille, a beautiful african woman caught in a moment of embarassment.
Lucy in the sky with diamonds, leaves shaped like eyes are emerging from some fruits that are forming a colorful rainbow.
Wonderful, an ilusionist is showing a bright globe to a couple of kids.
More than words, a backpack with the Vieira scallop on it, the symbols of the pilgrims going to Santiago de Compostela
Pencil full of lead, a happy smiling pencil.
Pride and joy, a guitarist is playing on the stage all by himself in the dim light in front of an adoring audience.
Sitting on the dock of the bay, a sunset landscape, a river that is quitely crossing a valley full of bends and hills, there's also a man sitting on the dock.
Song Two, a football player from Faer Oer islands is about to kick the ball to score one more goal agaist Brazil.
Space Oddity, the solar system lined up on dark black background.
Stairway to heaven, a Babel tower gets hit by beams of light and lawn, on the top there is a house.
Stray Cat Strut. A blue cat is playing with a little mouse surrounded by yellow buildings.
Superstition, a pianist is singing out loud while playing, he's illuminated by a tringle of light.
The Circle of Life, a boy is sitting on the Pride Rock.
The girl from Ipanema, a woman is looking indifferently at something out of our sight.
Time is running out, a rocket in the shape of a microphone is breaking through a space made of unknown notes.
Tourists of Democracy, a stylized and upside-down Italy.
Welcome to the Jungle, long hair, tick big glasses on a psychedelic background.


Football is poetry, magic, dynamism. With this project I wanted to celebrate who, […]


I still haven’t figured out the reason why I’ve thrown myself into this […]


This is an exciting job that I got thanks to a long Instagram […]

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