Imperfect Heroes is one of my favourite projects, which I was able to be a part of thanks to my collaboration with Ennesimo Film Festival.
What happens when you’re forced to turn into a superheroe even if you don’t want it? This special showcase, organized at Crogiolo Marazzi in Sassuolo, aimed to answer that question through 5 full-lenght movies about the topic.
“School of Rock”, “Children of Men”, “Get Out”, “The Big Lebowski”, “Do the Right Thing”. These are the titles of the showcase. Five stories whose protagonists turn into heroes in all their imperfection succeeding in tasks that were unimaginable until that moment.
In order to make the showcase more intriguing I thought it was interesting not to focus too much on the images of the movies. Instead, I focused on the concept of imperfections, “staining” icons that we usually consider heroes. In this way, I took into consideration 4 anti-iconic subjects.

Flash has a snotty nose, Batman is picking his nose, Superman has some hairs in his ear, Captain America has a sauce stain.
Details, small imperfections on characters otherwise flawless in a graphic illustration created ad hoc to look perfect in everything, except that small detail.

This is what this team is. A group of iconic and flawed men, made humans by a detail, a small mistake. These illustrated subjects become 5 multi-subject postcards used to make questions at the end of each movie.

The good thing about collaborating with EFF (Ennesimo Film Festival) was creating something starting from ideas out of the ordinary. Trying to impress and pushing ideas beyond the traditional schemes is a challenge but vital oxygen as well.