“Cominciamo bene” (A good start) might be the beginning of a porn, the start of a 1970’s construction project, the ouverture of a movie completely focused on the thrilling race between two snails on a oak leaf.

On the contrary, it’s a very interesting project for future mums, for women who haven’t decided to have a baby yet, but who are thinking about it. It is also for unrepentant single people who, despite having a dissolute sex life, believe that it’s right to give to their future unborn child a healthy uterine background.

Since this introduction has probably confused you rather than clarified what this project is about, I’m going to spoil the rest of the article: “A good start” is a project focused on the pre-conception period.

I’ve always been passionate about the pre-conception period, also because I think it will involve my life forever, without ever going to the next stage. So, when my beloved friend Roberta, medical luminary, asked me a graphic support in this communication project, I didn’t think twice. I  joined her cause and created a fruitful collaboration with her and her assistants. What was born is the son of our common and strong efforts (I love allusions). 

Everything you see here is a prototype, created for some med students and trainees at the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia (UNIMORE). It was part of a competition for the dissemination of scientific knowledge about this delicate period in every woman’s life. Even today, only a few of them really understand the importance of a healthy and regular lifestyle in relation to the conditions of their future children.

The project includes fliers full of awesome illustrations and storks. As a background I used a color, which is just as soft as a baby’s bottom. I also inserted some of the brooches which are applied to the baby’s diaper, once they get out of the mother’s womb.

A good start, A3 flier, a light blue background, a lot of illustrations to describe the most important aspects of the pre-conception period. And a logo shaped like a stork!
A good start, A3 flier, a light blue background, a lot of illustrations to describe the most important aspects of the pre-conception period. And a logo shaped like a stork!
A good start, the pen. Colors that match the graphic design of the flier and the poster, the clearly visible logo and a soft handle in light blue rubber.
A good start, the brooch. The logo is in the centre of a light blue or white brooch, according to the tastes!
A good start, the sticker. The logo of a stork is on a light blue or white background, according to the tastes!

Liberi tutti

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“Cominciamo bene” (A good start) might be the beginning of a porn, the […]


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